2245 N 400 E Suite 201

North Logan, UT 84341

(435) 787-7001

Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am to 5 pm

Our Services

Mount Naomi Midwifery

Midwifery care is uniquely nurturing, hands-on care before, during, and after birth. Midwives are health care professionals specializing in pregnancy and childbirth who develop a trusting relationship with their clients, which results in confident, supported labor and birth. Our midwives are trained to provide comprehensive prenatal care and education, act as guides in labor and birth, and address complications. We work within the hospital setting, working for gentle birth options. We believe that pregnancy and birth are normal life events.

Our Mission

Mount Naomi Midwifery is a life-affirming women’s health center, specializing in the care of women throughout the life span. Our mission is to provide safe, sensitive and satisfying midwifery care to women within our community.

Mount Naomi Midwifery has a special ministry of providing quality care without discrimination for families of all social, religious, ethnic and economic backgrounds. 

We believe that successful health care is a partnership between each woman and her caregiver, and that health encompasses emotional and spiritual well-being together with physical health. We have a strong focus on wellness counseling, health education, and the use of natural and complimentary therapies. We promote family-centered childbirth and respect a woman’s right to control her birth experience.


Meet Our Midwives

Deb Flansburg, CNM

Learn about Deb →

D'Anne Moon, CNM

Learn about D’Anne →

As midwives, we:

  • • Monitor the physical, psychological and social well-being of the mother/birthing parent throughout the childbearing cycle
  • • Provide the mother/birthing parent with individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care, continuous hands-on assistance during labor and delivery, and postpartum support
  • • Minimize technological interventions unless needed or desired
  • • Identify and refer women/birthing people who require obstetrical attention.
  • • Provide information on a wide choice of medical, natural and alternative therapies.
  • • Support a woman’s right to informed choice in the use of medical tests, recommendations and interventions.

We provide options for birth at either Cache Valley Hospital or Logan Regional Hospital depending on your insurance, and the experience you choose to have. We also provide womens healthcare throughout the lifespan, caring for women before pregnancy, during pregnancy and birth, and ongoing in life as needed and desired.

Non-Discrimination Policy:

It is the policy and practice of Mt Naomi Midwifery that there shall be no discrimination in the employment, promotion, or compensation of staff, treatment of volunteers, or the delivery of any health care services provided by this company on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, orientation or handicap. Reasonable accommodation will be made for disabled or handicapped clients and employees. If you believe that discrimination on any of the above basis, please contact our manager at 1(801) 374-1801

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