Adding a new member to your family can be both exciting and difficult, and we're honored to play a part in your journey. We understand that seeking assistance for infertility is not always easy-- you're trusting us to assist you with a major life change, and that's not a responsibility we take lightly.
We work collaboratively with our fertility partners to come up with an effective treatment plan for each patient. Our providers believe in a holistic approach to fertility treatment, and we're committed to being available for our patients whenever they have concerns or questions. Together we can change lives and help you build the family you’ve been dreaming of.
We offer treatment for infertility and miscarriages including ultrasound, labs, ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination. Using different types of lab work, we can identify hormonal problems that may be causing infertility. We will often use lab work to track your cycles and make sure you have appropriate levels for a healthy pregnancy.
We can perform ultrasounds to evaluate your uterine & ovarian anatomy as well as follow follicle development, endometrial response, and ovulation. If it is determined that you do not ovulate, we can stimulate ovulation with medications and “force” ovulation with injectable medications.
Semen analysis is also included in our lab workups. If there is a male factor, we can recommend a urologist for treatment, or in some cases, treat with Intrauterine insemination (IUI). This is done in the office where the semen is cleaned and prepped, and the sample is placed at the time of ovulation, bypassing many of the common barriers to conception.
If these steps are unsuccessful at helping you conceive, we've also partnered with Conceptions Fertility Center in Provo, UT for more advanced treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). We can do much of the treatment and testing locally to minimize the frequent trips out of the valley.
If you have a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. An emergency medical condition is one of the following: (1) a medical condition manifested by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) that the lack of prompt medical attention could reasonably be harmful to your health. or body functions or organs; (2) active labor if there is not enough time for a safe transfer to a planned hospital (or a specific hospital) prior to delivery or if the transfer endangers your health and safety (or that of your unborn child)), or (3) a mental disorder that is manifested by acute symptoms of sufficient severity that you pose an imminent danger to yourself or others, or are unable to provide or use food, shelter or clothing immediately due to the mental disorder.
This information is not intended to diagnose health problems or to replace specific medical advice or treatment given to you by your doctor or other healthcare professional. If you have ongoing health problems or have additional questions, ask your doctor. If you have any questions about your medicine or need more information, ask your pharmacist.